Did you ever wonder why Jesus refers to us as sheep? Why He calls Himself the“Good Shepherd”?
I have.
Some time ago a family member said, and I’m paraphrasing, “You people are all sheep! You can’t think for yourself. You follow and do whatever they (Church) tell you, you’re stupid!”
So, I took to the internet and looked up the characteristics of sheep. And, after reading them, was offended being called a sheep…after all, sheep are defenseless and timid, fearful and easily panicked. They graze in flocks (groups), they are easily vulnerable to mob psychology. They are easily killed by enemies, and they are jealous and competitive for dominance. They’re gullible and needy, …oh, did you know that their wool needs to be sheared or else they die of heat? And, believe it or not, they are easily flipped over on their back and are unable to right themselves if not turned over by their shepherd and will starve to death.
Well, I certainly didn’t consider myself with these characteristics! In fact, if you ask anyone who knows me they would tell you that I’m not timid or defenseless. I don’t move in groups and I’m not needy or gullible. I’m actually pretty independent and think for myself!
I’ve also searched for the characteristics and qualities of a shepherd. A good shepherd is concerned with the welfare of his flock. He brings his sheep to good grazing area, watches for poisonous plants, and protects his sheep from predators. A good shepherd grooms his sheep (shears their wool so his sheep do not die of heat).
But, after much reflection, a light went on—Oh! I get it! We humans, though all different from each other are the same! And, if we’re really honest, we do depend on someone to care for us, not only as infants but also as we grow older and mature. We want to belong! We do take on those sheep characteristics even…the vulnerability to mob psychology especially in this politically correct climate! We follow and learn from someone. So yes, we are sheep—
We humans need someone, a shepherd, to care for us and protect us; to teach us, to shear us of our wool (self imposed walls & barriers) that protect us but can also kill us. We need a shepherd who is strong yet gentle. A shepherd who will search and find us when we get lost. A shepherd who will, did, and does everything to protect us especially when wolves are ready to attack us!
That family member was wrong.
It’s human nature to follow someone’s lead sooner or later. Even leaders follow someone the question is who do they follow? Who is their shepherd?
There are many shepherds in the world. There’s the world and its culture; ourselves with our own ideology, and of course, Satan.
The world tells us to conform to the culture…freedom, prestige, power, riches could be ours and we’d have nothing to worry about! We’d be set for life… but if we don’t conform to its ideology. well, then we’ll be cancelled! Imagine?! What does that even mean?
Having ourselves as shepherd would lead us to narcissism, selfishness, isolation, loneliness… not freedom, not peace, not happiness, not joy, not love!
Satan is a liar, the father of all lies! He hates God! He and his devils promise everything but give you nothing but slavery… slavery to sin, a slavery to Satan and to death!
These shepherds, the world, ourselves, and Satan and His devils do NOT have our best interest at heart. They only lead to the false sense of security, false peace and false freedom! Ultimately they will lead to death and destruction and everlasting torment!
There’s only ONE good shepherd—Jesus Christ!
Jesus is the only Good Shepherd!
He teaches us…through His Word, through His Church, through His Saints.
He corrects us when we stray from His way and brings us back into His fold lest we are snatched by the wolves!
He is the shepherd who feeds us, shears our wool (breaks down our barriers), cleanses us through the Sacrament of reconciliation forgiving our sins.
He holds us in His arms and close to His heart, and lets us know He will not let any harm come to us.
He is the shepherd who searches for us when we lose our way yet allows us to choose to follow Him or not. To choose Life or death…
Only Jesus can free you from the grip of sin, selfishness and Satan. Only Jesus can give you what so many seek but cannot find— true freedom, peace, joy, love, and everlasting life!
Choose Life! Follow Jesus as your shepherd!
As I share these thoughts, I want to be sure to re-iterate the fact that I’ve stated in the past…that almost nothing I write are original thoughts…though I may borrow them and put my own ‘spin’ on them, I am certain that someone somewhere has written and/or spoken them in the past, this includes my last post of June 1st.