As I write this piece one week after the Supreme Court’s Ruling of June 24, 2022 overturning the 1973 decision of Roe vs Wade, and months after its leak, it seems a war has been sparked, rather fueled, not only in the U.S, but worldwide.
To be clear, I am so very proud of the bravery of the six Supreme Court justices for having the opportunity to finally speak the truth—that the original Roe v Wade decision was unconstitutional! Since that 1973 ruling, evil has grown by leaps and bounds! Millions of human babies have been sacrificed for the comfort of those who did not want them, did not want to be bothered to take responsibility for the life they’ve helped to bring into being!
The Old Testament is full of examples of child sacrifices offered to idol gods, to appease the wrath of these gods. Today is no different! Babies are aborted—sacrificed to the gods of convenience, wealth, power and position!
It is no coincidence that this current Supreme Court Ruling came on the Solemnity of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Since creation God wanted to show us how much the human person is valued, how much the person is loved… so much so that God chose to become a human being in the person of Jesus Christ!
Imagine, take a moment to think about it….Jesus Christ, the second person of the Most Holy Trinity, the God of all creation and creator of all mankind, became one of us… helpless, subject to illness, shame, weakness, and all emotions we experience, to teach us that we are loved, that we have value, and that we are meant to live forever with Him in heaven!
Pope St. John Paul II decried the “Culture of Death”. St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta warned all of humanity during her speech at the United Nations, that abortion is disastrous and would be the end of the family unit! Sadly, these have come to pass!
Currently, the pro-abortionist, rather, the pro-death culture are so angry that they leave havoc, destruction, and fear, both physically and emotionally, wherever they go! Sadly, many call themselves Catholics. Christ came to give life NOT death!
I call this group pro-death not pro-choice! They choose death for babies, and leave no choice to them! If they were pro-choice, they would choose to support women who choose life for their babies. If they were pro-choice, they would support, not destroy, the various organizations that exist to help women and their babies by supplying them and their babies with food, clothing, and heath care.
Evil and the culture of death are having a field day!
But, do not be afraid my friends, Saint Paul tells us that, “…nothing can separate us from the love of God…,”, (Rm. 8:35-36) no matter what occurs, violence hatred, persecution, etc., no matter what restrictions or requirements the government places on its citizens…do not be afraid! God is with us! Jesus has promised it—He will never leave us, He will never abandon us! He has overcome the world and He has overcome death!
As our Bishop, Robert McManus tells us, there is much work left to do. This reversal of Roe v Wade is just the beginning. We must continue to pray for justice and the lives of all unborn babies, and we can do it through our continued prayers and sacrifices.
Friends, know this, we are meant to be and promote a Culture of Life! A culture in which all life is valued, a culture in which all life has worth! A Culture in which all life is loved! Take courage, be brave and do as Jesus asks, "go out to all the world and preach the Good News, for our reward in heaven will be great!"