Recently, we celebrated the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Alleluia!
During this time of lent, and especially during the Triduum, we hear the question, “What is truth?
I’ve made many attempts to put in writing all the implications of this question—especially amid all that has, and continues to occur in our society and in our world—issues that seem to be insurmountable, issues to make sense of and issues which need to be addressed….
What is truth? Pilate asks the question…. Of us…
Do we know the truth?
Acceptance of homosexual marriage
Sex education in schools, especially elementary grades.
Nine (9) different gender identities.
Four (4) preferred pronouns.” they/their”, “him, she” etc.
Nine (9) sexual orientation “choices” …. “pansexual”, “non-binary” etc.
Legally changing gender on birth certificates.
Gender reassignment medical “care”.
Forcing healthcare providers to perform procedures against their religious beliefs and against the Hippocratic Oath.
Removal of children from homes if parents refuse gender reassignment therapy for their children who “feel” like they should be a different gender.
Abortion and Abortion on demand for minors without parental consent.
Physician assisted “suicide”.
Obedience to irrational and unjust rules and laws.
What is good?
What is evil?
The list goes on…! .
What is truth?
Is truth what influential people and those in power try to convince us it is? Are we able to take these and other issues, critically, think them through, and make decisions based on our core values of what we know to be good and right and true?
These are NOT political matters! These are matters of FAITH! They are about our families. They are about our kids, and our future! They are about the denial of Truth, the abolition of Christianity and rejection of God! They are about our lives and our SALVATION!
Cardinal Burke says, “Gender theory is an invention, an artificial creation. It is impossible to have an identity that does not respect the proper nature of man and of woman. It is madness that will cause immense damage in society...”
The Most Rev. Rudolf Vodenhizer, Bishop of Regensberg, Germany said, “Gender theory implies a denial of the nature of man and woman and hence, also of the exclusion of belief in God.”
The Most Rev. Demetrio Fernandez Gonzalez, Bishop of Cordoba, Spain tells us that, “Gender ideology is an Atomic Bomb that wants to destroy Catholic doctrine, thus of God in man and of the image of God the Creator.”
HOW DID WE GET HERE!?? What happened to the TRUTH?? It has been stolen!
This lent has given us another chance, another opportunity to reflect on who God is—what kind of God do we have? How does He fit into our lives, my life? …or does He?
All of these issues can be daunting and frightening and confusing. How did we get here? We got here because of sin! These ideologies are consequences of sin!
Sin—a 3-letter word that many love to deny exists. We can deny it, We can run but we cannot hide! Eventually it catches up to us!
Sin continues to wreak havoc on society and humanity, in our lives, in our homes and in our families! Selfishness, pride, self-seeking, acceptance by the elite, unbridled search for happiness, fame, and wealth… The love of these lead to sin, to the denial of Truth…and to misery and unhappiness!
DON’T BE AFRAID! We have a remedy! We have someone who can save us from all this confusion… One who can give us the wisdom, strength and fortitude to stand up for and defend the Truth! One who can help us to speak out against the lies of the world, of selfishness, and of Satan! We can recover the Truth and take it back and use it to make us truly free, truly happy, and truly have the fullness of life!
What is TRUTH? At the foot of the cross we find out who Jesus is… in the words of a pagan — “This truly is the Son of God!”
Jesus, the Son of God, is Risen and He has defeated the lies! He has defeated death!
Jesus tells us—“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
DO NOT BE AFRAID! God is ever loving! God is ever merciful! God is ever patient! We must Seek Him out! We return to Him!