"When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son." Galatians 4 was recently read at Mass. What does it mean and what can we learn from that verse?
Our limited understanding of time, frames how inadequate we are at interpreting it. We can scarcely define the past let alone the future. Often society repeats the same mistakes not discerning the past correctly. Solomon said everything that has been done will be done again. Just look at history and you’ll see he was correct. We are incredibly poor at discernment even when the path forward is clearly written in the past.
We as humans also have a difficult time living in the present. Our minds are often planning ahead. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have had with people who struggle to live in the present. I, myself often overlook the present and then lament about missed moments. Our minds are a blur of activity, planning and half listening.
As for the future? Good luck with that.
God, however, lives in no time whatsoever. He is the great I AM. His perspective has no limit. The word providence is taken from the Latin word providentia. Pro means before and videntia is from which we get the word video. It means to see. Providence means to see things before they happen. God not only sees the past correctly but he knows the future intimately as well.
We can sometimes be critical of God asking such questions as why would he allow something bad to happen. We interpret things based on our extraordinarily poor grasp of the most basic elements of time. Coupled with that, humanity frames all content for discussion from our own perspective. “Why did God allow that to occur to them, to us, to me, to our nation? Our questions are skewed from the onset because the frame of reference is on me and you. The byproduct of original sin places us at the center of the conversation. Everything is skewed in that context, with me at the center of the discussion. Search your heart and use discernment and you will see I am correct.
In the 23rd psalm God makes a statement that is easy to overlook but of essential importance for us to grasp. It says this, “He leads me along paths of righteousness FOR HIS NAMESAKE.” He does not lead me into paths of righteousness for my sake or yours but for HIS namesake, for HIS reputation. Over and over again, God talks about his glory, about his reputation.
God has a plan. It's a plan to bring glory to himself, not to me, or you, but to himself.
A rather interesting discussion that emphasizes this point comes from Joshua 5. Joshua is about to attack the city of Jericho and an angel appears to him. Joshua asked, “are you for us or our enemies?” Joshua’s frame of reference was on himself. The angel answered no I am not for you or against you but I am here as a commander of the army of the Lord. The angel was saying “Joshua you’ve got it all wrong. It isn’t about you. I represent God not you!”
Now before you run off and say that’s awfully conceited and self-centered of God, remember God is perfect and no guile or deceit can be found in him. His reasoning and, more importantly, timing are perfect. A great read you definitely would enjoy is the Book of Esther. The timing of God takes center stage in this account of the thwarted attempt of genocide by an evil man named Haman. It's both sad and satisfying to see the tables turned on him.
So. lets get to the meat of our discussion here and look at instances of hardship and trouble in the past to gain some understanding of the present.
In Exodus God allowed, and in fact led his people, into Egyptian slavery for 400 years. I am sure there were many dark days for the families of Israel. From their limited perspective they saw things in terms of abuse, and injustice. They suffered and many died young. Their interpretation of their experience was centered on themselves as they tried to make sense of what they saw and experienced. God, was concerned, of course, but there was a much more important purpose in their slavery than they could imagine.
In their slavery they were able to grow as a nation into a very close-knit community. Their hardship gave them a common bond. The ability to begin to document their journey in written form was the start of the Old Testament scriptures. Also, the preservation of their race was of significant importance because their line would usher in the redeemer, Jesus Christ. The purpose of their nation being chosen by God came with the hope that they would bring glory to God before all nations. Among all peoples, Israel occupied a favored postion as the firstborn among the nations. More often than not Israel fell far short of God's expectations. Jesus in many ways made good the deficiency of the nation as a whole.
In their bondage, there was more at stake than their suffering and hardship. God’s reputation was at stake. If that was not enough, their shackles meant the possibility of freedom and eternal life for all of humanity through the death and resurrection of Christ. You bet there was a lot at stake! The worlds future hung in the balance. There was purpose they could not see. There was meaning, a "fullness of time" in their captivity. We can never fully grasp why struggle comes our way. It's simply beyond our ability to understand its use.
As long as we frame our perspective from our own vantage point we will never be able to discern the movement of God in our world. That is the human conundrum.
God has a long game. His ideas encompass millennia after millennia. We on the other hand live a paltry 70-80 years. We demonstrate arrogance when we doubt Gods plan or existence in the few years we walk upon the earth. Man, always looks at life from his own very limited vantage point and we make assumptions based on that.
There were many ancient empires of the past that are mentioned in scripture but I will look at two that had an enormous impact in the scriptures. That will frame our discussion.
The Greeks under Alexander conquered the known world around 330 BC. Thousands died. Nations were assimilated into the Greek culture and I am sure the Jews wondered about the perceived absence of God as their nation once again was controlled by a foreign power. From their limited perspective they saw abandonment, and hardship. Just like us they only saw the short game. The Greeks, however, also brought one common language along with their culture which included the arts, math and sciences which continue to shape our world today. In fact, the Greek culture had a hand in our American democracy. Their impact was enormous. The uniform language of the Old Testament period became the means to communicate easily. Before that time language barriers prevented cultures from shaping society. The Greek language became the tool to advance Gods Kingdom message. At 300 BC the fullness of time is close to being achieved, but things are not quite ready for the Messiah. God, however, is anything but absent. He is patiently moving world events to accomodate his plan. The ability to communicate is now in place but there is still the need of movement and travel across great distances. We will see how the Romans supplied that next.
The Romans came later and became the most powerful empire the world has every seen. Along with their rule they brought the Pax Romana, the Roman peace. Before the Romans conquered the world, it was impossible to travel safely or efficiently. The Romans however brought order to the known world and a means of traveling around easily because of the enormous building programs they initiated which included many road systems throughout the empire. That peace and ability to travel would usher in the expansion of the Gospel that would eventually change the world.
The laborers working to build the unique road system were also part of God's plan as well. From the least to the greatest all were working to fulfill Gods purpose. Its important for us to understand that and see the implication. God is at work in your life as well as mine even if we cannot see the significance. The Romans also learned the barbaric technique of crucifixion from the Persians. This would be a tool needed to fulfill ancient prophecy concerning Jesus’s death. As the people of Israel suffered under Roman rule they could not possibly see the plan of God unfolding over the last 1000 years. The fullness of time was at the door.
Culturally and spiritually the world was ripe for the Messiah when Paul penned these words from Galatians “When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son. According to leading experts, the world at that time was spiritually tired and disillusioned. They were bored with their mythology and ready to embrace monotheism. Spiritually the fulness of time had come. Into this world the Messiah was born at the fullness of time. A plan that stretched over millenia was complete. All the variables prohibiting the expansion of God's kingdom have been removed. Jesus entered our world at the perfect place and time with a message that the world was ready to hear.
Hardship is tough. Nobody can deny that. We have no frame of reference other than our own very limited view. Your job, your career, your family crisis, your health. God is aware but he asks us to trust him.
How can my hardship have any meaning in the grand scheme of things? I think we’ve all asked that question. I just don’t know the answer and neither did the people of the Old Testament. In the end we need to trust what the scripture says, that God works all things together for the good to those that love Him. We do have one great advantage over the ancient peoples, however. We can read scripture and learn about God's purpose and plan. This gives us insight and understanding for the future. It also gives us hope.
God, my friend, is in complete control of all things, from the decisions made in the oval office to world events that we find troubling. We serve an awsome God, don't ever forget that.
The king’s heart is like a stream in the Lords hands. He turns it in the way the Lord desires. Proverbs 21. God is in control. God can change the minds of leaders and he can change the mind of that stressful person you are dealing with. God has a plan and is in control over all things great and yes, very small. He has his hands on events nationally and internationally, on both our stock market and yes, our oil and gas prices. Nothing is outside the purview of God.
So, try not to fret. Talk to God. He knows the most inconsequential things about your life, like the number of the hairs on your head and when you sit and stand. (Psalm 139). When the fullness of time is complete Jesus will come again but be patient and faithful until he does. Read scripture and learn from the past. It will give you consolation in your hardships.
In your present situation, it might appear that God has abandoned you, but be of good cheer. Jesus has overcome the world. Our time here is short indeed.
Keep your eyes on the prize, look up and know your redemption is at hand. Trust him. He will lead you home.