Recent events both in our country and in the world have caused me to delve into the possible reasons of/for their occurrence. Much of what I’ve learned is disturbing and, though I hesitate to share them with you, I believe I need to, if only to make you aware of them. Indeed, I have had personal experience in at least one probable underlying reason for such incidents to happen, which I will share.
Recently, I had a texting “conversation” with an acquaintance of mine, Todd (not his real name) I’ve known Todd for several years and it seemed we basically agreed on many issues. This particular conversation, however, was at the same time revealing and disturbing. I feel I should share this conversation with you to help make you aware of the dangers in which many people place themselves. I told Todd that I intended to share our conversation with others so there is no breach of confidentiality here.
As it happens, Todd is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Freemasons, so I took the opportunity to share and re-state my thoughts as well as the teaching and position of the Catholic Church with him. As you may know, the Catholic Church forbids Catholics to be members of Freemasons. Why? I hope the reason will become clear to you by the end of this writing.
I had already discussed with Todd why the Church forbids such membership. Among them are: that the Masons or the Lodge (as they are commonly known & called) believe that all gods are equal, that all religions are equal, and that we can essentially become our own gods. The Masons search for light, and more light, to be more enlightened…but never really find it. Additionally, the Lodge members make secret pledges and promises made to the leaders of the Lodge, some of which are blood pledges…. Much was said during our conversation regarding the Masonic ideals and plans for the future. Additionally, he shared several pictures with me of their meeting and the people at dinner. In the United States, only men are allowed to be members of the Freemasons. However, there does exist the female counterpart known as the Eastern Star. Their philosophies and beliefs are the same. The Freemasons is a centuries old, worldwide organization. The conversation with Todd went as follows: ************ Todd: Good morning. Had a Masonic dinner meeting last night. 7 course meal, 55 men. By invitation only. All high ranking officers of the Masons.
MS: What can I tell you…I know you love the Lodge, you know how I feel about it…glad you had a good time though. But I gotta tell you some of those table place settings seem strange…they don’t sit right with me… I’m sure you know that…hope you have a great day.
Todd: We are planning the New World Order. Masons believe all men and religions are equal. Everyone is welcome in heaven ❤ no matter how they worship. The ambassador is a Muslim. All seating is assigned. They sat me next to the ambassador and his son, because I am very friendly and affable. At dinner, there were, Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Catholics, Protestant men. All together in, Friendship and Brotherly love ❤. All men are created equal. And all men will be in heaven. NOT JUST CATHOLICS! All religions and nationalities together in one room. Friendship, Morality and Brotherly love. How God wants it.
MS: Yes, all men are created equal! But not all gods are the ONE TRUE GOD who created us! That’s the crux of the matter! The Lodge places all gods on the same level, but there is only One True God! The history of the Masons goes way back to England, centuries ago, and the leaders of the Lodge professed hostility & hatred for the Catholic Church, vowing to infiltrate it and destroy it from within…it has been successful to a limited extent.
The Catholic Church has NEVER taught or claimed, nor does She now, that only Catholics go to heaven! She does teach that one must believe in Jesus Christ and to obey & follow His commandments…the first of which is, “You shall love the lord with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength, you shall not have any strange gods before me or pay homage to any other created being…” Yes, God wants & desires that all are united. Jesus tells us that plainly in His Priestly prayer in the Gospel of John…”…may we all be one, Father,… they in Me and I in You and You in me…” In worshipping Him and doing His will, doing good for all, in His name, not in the name of the Lodge or any other society etc.
The Catholic Church is not perfect. She never claimed to be, and is guilty of many things, but she has always professed faith and worship to the only One True God, and God has and continues to be faithful to Her, as Jesus promised.
Additionally, societies that make secret blood pledges and promises under penalty of bodily harm, cannot be very friendly, positive and good (perhaps in the short term, yes, but not where and when we speak of eternity—the long term—no, no matter how great and wonderful the individual members are!
The New World order?? Really? And who or what is going to rule and control this new world order? You? The Grand master of the Lodge? Which god is to rule over people’s hearts and minds? Todd, this is THE PROBLEM with the Lodge or ANY other organization or political group that seeks a New World Order! Don’t you see, only God can rule the world with His peace and his Love! ***********
My friends, it is very important to remember that…no one, no thing, and no organization or group, regardless of how good it seems to be, no matter how the words are said or embellished—no one can ever replace God! And not everyone will go to Heaven!
Satan has a lot of practice in lying and fooling humanity with his lofty ideas and beautiful rhetoric, appealing to our senses and hopes of a beautiful and peaceful life here on earth… He tried it with our Lord Jesus in the dessert, and he continues to try with us!
Do NOT believe him! Do Not fall into his traps!
Jesus has told us time and time again, if we want to have eternal life, we MUST take up our cross and follow Him! Follow Jesus!
NOT Satan, Not the deceiver! Not the Liar! Not any group! Not any worldly organization!
Remember …No one should rule our lives! And no one should rule our hearts, except the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, our one and only Savior!!