For years now, and especially the last several years, I have been hearing from people and have been asked a very important question….
During wake services for deceased and during funeral services, especially from those giving eulogies for their loved ones, we hear statements such as, “I know mom is up in Heaven making her famous meatballs and having a wonderful reunion with dad.” “Auntie Jane or Uncle Jim, are in heaven enjoying their favorite drink or doing what she/he loved most… fishing, dancing…”, you name it! “Oh, she was such a good person and is now in peace in heaven”. EVERYBODY GOES TO HEAVEN! “God is a merciful, loving God!” I’m not a bad person, I’m not religious but I’m spiritual.” “There’s no hell, and even if there was, nobody is there because, how can God send anyone to hell? He is a loving and forgiving God.” “Oh, I think God would understand, it’s just this one time and it’s not like it’s a really BAD thing!” The statements and comments can go on and on….
My friends, DO NOT BE FOOLED! Do not believe and do not fall for these lies! That is one of the biggest lies that the devil, Satan, wants you to believe! Satan wants to pull you away from God, and away from heaven! He is the Father of Lies! Wait… devil? Satan? There’s no devil! No Satan! … Ahhh… but that is exactly what he wants you to believe! Because if Satan can convince you that he does not exist, then you’ll believe there is no Hell! And if there is no hell, then everyone goes to heaven! NOT SO! NOT TRUE,
We, as a people have decided that sin no longer exists and that it is God's fault that people are suffering and there there are wars etc. We don't like to hear that we are at fault for turning our backs on God and His commandments! We love only ourselves and anyone or anything that serves us!
These are discussions that must be had… they are hard discussions that need to be had by all of us, especially in our families… but of course no one wants to hear the truth. It is very, very sad!
Several months ago, while praying before the Tabernacle, I felt the Lord’s sadness and felt these words in my heart:
“God is weeping! God is weeping at the state humanity finds itself in.
God is weeping at our callous disregard for human dignity—He is weeping for our murderous actions so we can be “free” only to find that we’ve, once again, become slaves! Except now we’ve made ourselves slaves!
-Slaves to our insatiable desires for recognition, power, and influence! -Slaves to our destructive actions of self-mutilation and the mutilation of others! -Slaves to our inordinate desires to be “free” of God and His rule over us!
God is weeping at our self-destruction…physically, emotionally, psychologically but more importantly, our spiritual self-destruction which will be permanent! -Permanent loss of control of everything! -Permanent loss of health, beauty, wealth, influence! -Permanent loss of life and eternal life!”
Scripture tells us in Romans; (I feel that it is important to quote it here)…
“God’s anger is revealed from heaven against all the sin and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known. God punishes them, because what can be known about God is plain to them, for God Himself made it plain. Ever since God created the world His invisible qualities, both His eternal power and His divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all! They know God, but they do not give Him the honor that belongs to Him, nor do they thank Him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. They say they are wise, but they are fools: instead of worshiping the immortal God, they worship images made to look like mortal man or birds or animals or reptiles.
And so God has given those people over to the filthy things their hearts desire, and they do shameful things with each other. They exchange the truth about God for a lie: they worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator Himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen!
Because they do this, God has given them over to shameful passions. Even the women pervert the natural use of their sex by unnatural acts. In the same way, men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other, and as a result they bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrongdoing.
Because those people refuse to keep in mind the true knowledge about God, He has given them over to corrupted minds, so that they do the things they should not do. They are filled with all kinds of wickedness, evil, greed, and vice; they are full of jealousy, murder, fighting, deceit, and malice. They gossip and speak evil of one another, they are hateful to God, insolent, proud, and boastful; they think of more ways to do evil; they disobey their parents; they have no conscience; they do not keep their promises, and they show no kindness or pity for others. They know that God’s law says that people who live in this way deserve death. (Emphasis added). Yet, not only do they continue to do these very things, but they even approve of others who do them.” (Rm 1:18-32)
My friends, what is this death that God speaks of? It is the eternal death and punishment of hell! HELL EXISTS! HELL IS REAL!
Whydon’t we learn from errors of the past or from those who repeat them and finally realize they are wrong? Why do we have to make our own rules and want to change the laws of nature to suit our own ideas? Why do we close our eyes to the obvious and pretend that “it doesn’t matter?
We must, must, amend our lives! We must, must, turn away from selfishness and sin! We must, must, return to God! We must, must, return to the One God who is all good! All right! All merciful! All just! All powerful! All Holy!
God is weeping— for us! For, if we continue on this path of self-destruction and the destruction of others, we will PERMANENTLY Lose HIM! We will permanently lose Him who is all that we seek, all that we need, and all that we desire!